English version In Gabon, we are certainly witnessing what seems to be a golden age of unabashed sycophancy. Flatterers now perform through the traditional media and social networks for a target, the Bongo family, who monitors their tribute at a distance. The expectation being that the best sycophants would be rewarded with promotions and other advantages. This flattery is done on demand, by the Bongos who see this as a demonstration of loyalty. Many politicians have been frankly disgusting about their flattery, but very few are currently equaling Frank Nguema in this regard. Nothing is never too exaggerated in his praise of Ali, Sylvia Bongo and Brice Laccruche-Alihanga. As Benjamin Disraeli famously said: “everyone loves flattery and with important people you have to lay it on with a trowel.” In the past in Gabon, sycophancy in politics was often hidden, something done behind closed doors by politicians, away from public scrutiny. There was broad agreement that o...