English version On France 24, Ali Bongo’s attorney, wanting to demonstrate that one could completely recover from a stroke, took as an example the lawyer Mombembe who also suffered a stroke and would have recovered completely. However, the truth seems quite different as this response by Moubembe demonstrates: "My colleague compares our Head of State to Me, a simple Citizen or Governed. But, I have known only one threat of a mystical stroke (so it was never a medical stroke as some have undergone with one or several surgeries). Indeed, having woken up the morning of Saturday, November 1, 2013 (All Saints Day of the day of dead), I found that I had lost the “reading” function without being deaf, blind, disabled, etc. On Monday morning, November 03, 2013, I was seen at 8am by my regular Ophthalmologist, Ms. Milebou, the current Senate Speaker, who consulted me and immediately made contact with her colleague at El Rapha Polyclinic. This threat of a probable Cardiov...