Pascaline Bongo, second from the right, in January 1983, at Jody Watley’s birthday in Los Angeles, surrounded by Latoya Jackson, Marlon Jackson and Jermaine Stewart, Pascaline Bongo, deuxième à partir de la droite, en Janvier 1983, à l'anniversaire de Jody Watley à Los Angeles, entourée de Latoya Jackson, Marlon Jackson et Jermaine Stewart, Photo : English Version The French company Blue Mendel has just gone to court to get paid by Pascaline Bongo, a bill of more than 500,000 euros, regarding goods purchased in France and shipped by freight to Gabon. These include ice cream, fresh fruits and flowers, an ice maker, carpet-grass, upholstered furniture, light tables, candelabras, folding screens, etc... Looking at the bill made public by Blue Mendel on the website of France Inter, the purchases were made in 2013 and the destination of the goods was the Presidential Palace of the Gabonese Republic, which necessarily takes the transaction from the private setting ...