English version Dear readers, this blog will not mince words: Julien Nkoghe Bekale has neither the intellect, the stature, the presence, the experience, nor even the integrity, to be Prime Minister in a country that takes itself seriously. This man is unbelievably thoughtless! This man does not demonstrate any quality of leader; when he expresses himself, we are served clichés without any originality, and a strong impression of a chronic lack of talent. The situation of Gabon is there to largely demonstrate to us that this regime which has been in power for 53 years, has never been able to advance the country. At the end of 53 years, this regime presents us as leader, an arch-dumb Prime Minister, who has very poor understanding of economy, management and more generally politics. Version française Chers lecteurs ce blog n’ira pas par 4 chemins : Julien Nkoghe Bekale n’a ni l’intellect, ni la carrure, ni la prestance, ni l’expérience, ni même la prob...