English version In an Ivorian economic magazine, the Ali Bongo regime, through the General Directory of the Economy, welcomes the beautiful surge in the production of Gabonese Cocoa bought from the farmers, which was for the 2015/2016 agricultural season of 73.2 tons for the whole country (source: click here ) We would like to point out to the Bongo regime that Gabon, in 1974, produced 5500 tons of cocoa (source: L’agriculture du Gabon : entre décolonisation et ajustements structurels, page 89). So, between 1974 and 2016, in 42 years, the Bongos managed to reduce the Gabonese cocoa production by almost 4000% (a fall of 100% is equivalent to half = 2750, then 100% divided by 10 gives a fall of 1000% = 275, then 1000% divided by 4 gives 275/4 = about 70, a fall of 4000%) This is incredible We will not give up ! Version française Dans un magazine économique Ivoirien, le régime Ali Bongo par le truchement de la Direction Générale de l’Économie...