Anne-Cécile-Makosso Akendengué English version Dear readers, we wanted to inform you of the publication of the book "Ceci n'est pas l'Afrique", by Anne-Cécile-Makosso Akendengué, in Graveurs de mémoire collection of the Editions l'Harmattan. In this book, the author Anne-Cécile-Makosso Akendengué born Frébeau, in a story in the first person, talks about her twenty years in Gabon. She expresses what she felt in Gabon, relative to her entourage, her views of the country, life situations, everyday life; all of this in a style away from the usual clichés. The author currently lives in Angers where she works in music. She had published a novel in 2007, Mathilde et son pianiste, published by "Les 2 Encres" editions. Here is the book review done by Luc Melmont on the site "Culture et Chanson" Ceci n'est pas l'Afrique: Portrait of a modern and surprising Africa It is common to hear that...