English version 8. The Bongos are never responsible for anything We all know that while democracy can be difficult, especially in developing countries like Gabon, dictatorship is never the answer. It is playing Russian roulette with the future of the country. It only leads to disaster long term. For 50 years, the Bongos have been kleptocrats who have consistently chosen to enrich themselves at the expense of the Gabonese people; who have consistently sent their militias full of thugs to beat up protesters or arrest them. However, within Gabon, one must never think that the Bongos are responsible for this; at best, the explanation is always that the Bongos are duped by their advisors! The Bongos are good, it is their entourage that is bad! After 50 years in power, the Bongos have rendered Gabon, a potentially wealthy country, totally bankrupt; while they enjoy their numerous palatial estates and private financial holdings around the world. And, yet, there remains ...