English version The dialoguers are definitely comedians. In an article published by Gabonreview, it is said that René Ndemezo'Obiang reportedly said during a press conference that he did not go to Ali Bongo's dialogue to discuss his power. He has at least the merit of being clear! René Ndemezo'Obiang was the coordinator of Jean Ping's campaign, but today he confesses that, and this before all evidence of Ali Bongo's widespread fraud, for him, any claim to Jean Ping's victory seemed superfluous, because from the announcement of the results he considered that the election was over. Dear readers, in fact, the dialoguers led by René Ndemezo'Obiang have never been in a logic of power change, not even in that of protest of Ali Bongo. What were they doing in the opposition? Was it a strategy of internal decay leading to the immobilism of this opposition? It seems that’s where we are. Dear readers, let's keep going. Let us conserve our...