English version
Recently, Jean-Christophe Owono-Nguema, one of the leaders of Ossimane
that this blog would like to rename: "FC Mone Ngol" (FC small
catfish), proudly told one of his compatriots that he did not have the right to
express himself in Oyem. Others of his co-religionists have extended this fatwa
to the whole of Woleu-Ntem: henceforth one must be a native of the north to go
and speak in the north. Defy this prohibition and the ayatollahs will threaten
you with death. At least this has
the merit of being clear!
Then came the turn of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Gabon, Regis
Onanga-Ndiaye, who went to Ogooué-Maritime to rank the inhabitants of this
province according to whether they were indigenous or non-native. This happened
in the presence of Jean Ping and Michel Essongue who, according to the
principle of who says nothing consents, certainly supported this blunder.
But above all, all this comes on the eve of the next presidential
election, which should be a formality for Brice-Clotaire Oligui-Nguema, who has
already locked everything down. But why does the regime encourage this
xenophobic discourse that cracks national unity?
Remember that Brice-Clotaire Oligui-Nguema confessed to you that his
favorite political author was Machiavelli. It seems that from him, he retained
the need to separate politics from morality, and the use of the rhetoric of
divide and rule as an alternative to force, to achieve his ends and consolidate
his power. It seems that Brice-Clotaire Oligui-Nguema is working to oppose the
peoples that make up Gabon against each other’s, in order to present himself as
the only guarantor of national unity. If these divided people saw in
Brice-Clotaire Oligui-Nguema the only leader capable of preventing the
conflagration, then he would hold them and they would be devoted to him. It's
cynical, it's Machiavellian.
Machiavelli, in the 15th century, gave the following advice to the
Prince: "divide et imperia", which means "divide and
reign". It is a political strategy aimed at establishing one's authority
by creating dissensions, oppositions and struggles, of which one would stay
above. It then becomes easier to control small groups of lesser power
quarrelling among themselves over trivialities, on a permanent basis, than to
govern in the face of a united and powerful people.
Dear readers, this is the sauce within which they are eating us. The
various actors have received their mission orders and are working to bring us
all back to contemplate the beautiful works of the messiah Brice-Clotaire
Oligui-Nguema, from our respective villages.
Version française
Hier, Jean-Christophe
Owono-Nguema, un des leaders d’Ossimane que ce blog aimerait rebaptiser : « FC
Mone Ngol » (FC petit silure), disait fièrement à un de ses compatriotes
qu’il n’avait pas le droit de s’exprimer à Oyem. D’autres de ses coreligionnaires
ont élargi cette fatwa à l’ensemble du Woleu-Ntem : désormais il faut être
natif du septentrion, pour aller parler au septentrion. Bravez cet interdit et les
ayatollahs vous menaceront de mort. Ça a au moins le mérite d’être clair !
Puis vint le tour du
ministre des Affaires Etrangères du Gabon, Regis Onanga-Ndiaye, qui est allé
dans l’Ogooué-Maritime hiérarchiser les habitants de cette province selon qu’on était
autochtone ou allogène. Ceci s’est produit en présence de Jean Ping et de
Michel Essongue qui selon le principe du qui ne dit rien consent, soutenaient
certainement cette maladresse.
Machiavel, au 15e siècle,
donna le conseil suivant au Prince : “divide et imperia“, qui signifie “divise
et règne”. Il s’agit d’une stratégie politique visant à asseoir son autorité en
créant des dissensions, des oppositions et des luttes, dont on serait soit même
au-dessus. Il devient alors plus facile de contrôler des groupuscules de
moindre puissance se querellant entre eux pour des broutilles, de manière permanente,
que de gouverner en face d’un peuple uni et puissant.
Chers lecteurs, voici la
sauce à laquelle ils sont en train de nous manger. Les différents acteurs ont reçu
leurs ordres de mission et s’attellent à nous ramener tous à contempler les
belles œuvres du messie Brice-Clotaire Oligui-Nguema, depuis nos villages
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