English version It is announced in the press that Gabon wants to acquire shares in the Eramet group. But looking more closely, it is Ali Bongo and BGFI Bank who are, in the greatest secrecy, in the process of conducting this operation. Ali Bongo and BGFI want to buy 11.2% of the French mining group. Knowing that Eramet has a market capitalization of 3350 million Euros, 11% of this company represents 340 million Euros that will have to be disbursed by Ali Bongo and BGFI, that is 226 billion CFA francs. Eramet has put 11.2% of its capital on the market and Ali Bongo and BGFI are buyers. These shares were previously held by Carlo Tassara, which is a holding company owned by the French businessman Romain Zaleski. Gabon which is already a 28.94% shareholder in Comilog, is a subsidiary of Eramet, wants to enter in the capital of the parent company. Coincidentally, Romain Zaleski, the former owner of the 11.2% of Eramet put on sale, also controls 9% of BGFI,...